Equal Employment Opportunity Policy
MatrixSpace Equal Opportunity Policy
MatrixSpace Corporation, 145 South Bedford Street, Burlington, MA 01803
MatrixSpace Corporation, 145 South Bedford Street, Burlington, MA 01803
The MatrixSpace Equal Employment Opportunity policy is founded on the philosophy that all MatrixSpace employees and applicants for employment must be treated equitably. We do not discriminate based on personal preference or physical characteristics, and our experience confirms that supporting policies and practices with a strong commitment to equal employment opportunity is a good business practice. Our commitment to this policy applies to every phase of the employment relationship, and we make every effort to comply with this policy.
If you feel you have not been treated fairly in some way, we encourage you to contact MatrixSpace Human Resources on (781) 399-5920. We take such matters very seriously and reporting your claims internally allows us to work with you to investigate and try to resolve your issues.
MatrixSpace seeks at all times to build an inclusive workforce and work environment. We make every effort to attract, invest in, and develop the talents of diverse people who reflect the society and community in which we live. MatrixSpace welcomes and supports people of all races, ethnicities, cultures, and religions and seek to foster teamwork and effective partnerships among our employees. MatrixSpace provides equitable treatment and reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities in accordance with individual needs, business realities, and federal and state laws. These accommodations may include job retraining, an adjusted work schedule, special equipment or transportation, medical leave, or job modification to optimize your performance.
If you feel you have not been treated fairly in some way, we encourage you to contact MatrixSpace Human Resources on (781) 399-5920. We take such matters very seriously and reporting your claims internally allows us to work with you to investigate and try to resolve your issues.
MatrixSpace seeks at all times to build an inclusive workforce and work environment. We make every effort to attract, invest in, and develop the talents of diverse people who reflect the society and community in which we live. MatrixSpace welcomes and supports people of all races, ethnicities, cultures, and religions and seek to foster teamwork and effective partnerships among our employees. MatrixSpace provides equitable treatment and reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities in accordance with individual needs, business realities, and federal and state laws. These accommodations may include job retraining, an adjusted work schedule, special equipment or transportation, medical leave, or job modification to optimize your performance.